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Census Data Reveals Steady Growth

North Korea's Population on the Rise

Census Data Reveals Steady Growth

The current population of North Korea is estimated to be 26,231,847 as of May 6, 2024, according to Worldometer. This represents a significant increase from the 24 million inhabitants recorded in the country's most recent census in 2008.

Trends and Projections

The Central Bureau of Statistics of North Korea conducted the census in 2008. However, the United Nations has provided more recent estimates based on its own data. According to the UN, the population of North Korea is projected to reach 26,231,336 by July 1, 2024.

The UN also provides projections through the year 2100. By that time, the population of North Korea is estimated to reach 26,244,582, representing a 0.32% increase from its current level.
