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Pakistan Boy Scouts Association

Pakistan Boy Scouts Association: A Legacy of Service and Adventure


The Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA) is the national Scouting organization of Pakistan, with a proud history spanning over decades. Established in 1947, it has played a vital role in shaping the lives of countless young people across the country. With over half a million members, PBSA embodies the true spirit of Scouting, instilling values of discipline, leadership, and community service.

Mission and Goals

The mission of PBSA is to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual development of young people through the principles and practices of Scouting. Its goals include:
  • Developing character and leadership skills
  • Promoting teamwork and cooperation
  • Instilling a sense of adventure and love for the outdoors
  • Nurturing a commitment to community service
PBSA offers a comprehensive program that caters to boys and girls from diverse backgrounds, providing them with opportunities for personal growth and service to their communities. Through its extensive network of local units and dedicated volunteers, PBSA continues to impact the lives of countless young Pakistanis, empowering them to become responsible and engaged citizens.
